The PwC PH Tax Calendar mobile app guides users on up-to-date government deadlines that businesses in the Philippines need to comply with."This Tax Calendar has been prepared by the Tax-Client Accounting Services (CAS) group of Isla Lipana & Co., the Philippine member firm of the PwC network, based on relevant laws, rules, and regulations issued as of 31 October 2023 by various government agencies.While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, neither our firm nor any of our partners/staff shall be liable on any ground whatsoever to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may take as a result of using this calendar. Where particular questions arise in its use, please consult our Tax-CAS group."App features:● Gives deadlines set by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Securities and Exchange Commission, Social Security System, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, Home Development Mutual Fund, Philippine Economic Zone Authority and Local Government Units.● Broadcasts notification on recent issuances from government agencies. Coming soon:● Tailored calendars for your company● Alerts on upcoming deadlines● Tax assessment monitoring